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the Creation Education Museum

Welcome to the Creation Education Museum and an introduction to creation science. The museum was created to educate all ages about Young Earth Sciences and Creation Science Studies

We fully support science, technology engineering and mathematics of all kinds. We also include the arts! Using all these methods the Creation Education Museum program assists to educate how the Bible aligns with these studies. The Creation Education Museum is a concept designed as an introduction to creation science, to assist creation studies and support local church creation needs.

“You Decide” The CEM is a non-stress observation of science without assumptions. Our staff is trained not to argue or debate you in any way. The CEM just presents the information… “You Decide”

What will you learn?  The museum offers over 20 plus exhibits and a creation bookstore. There is a simple question for each exhibit and an answer provided by a creation science view. There is much more including in depth reading, videos, models and actual artifacts to learn from! Many of our visitors are children and families but we invite all age groups. We offer tours, by appointment, designed for different age groups. You can also tour the museum on your own. Prepare for Your Creation Experience

The Creation Education Museum specializes in supporting community educational school field trips, homeschool tutoring, adult creation training, church partnerships, and other learning activities. Akron Fossils and Science Center offers an annual homeschool curriculum that supports your faith.


Enjoy the simple message of the science that displays a young earth, overcoming assumptions and exploring how life began. You also have the option to dive deep into all aspects of creation science and how a young earth has impacted all our lives.


Experience hands-on learning and outside activities. Hold and touch real fossils on the Fossil Fun Tour, make a real take home replica of a trilobite on the Fossil Replica Making Tour, or interact with our live animal collection on the Animal Adventures Tour.  


Do you love Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics? What about the arts? Watch for our lecture series, classes and science activities. The Creation Education Museum has programs for children and adults! Hands-on and designed to make science and learning fun and meaningful.

Unleash Your Child’s Faith in Science!

Science is good! You can feel confidence in your faith and in science. It is ok to question. In fact, questioning things is what led people to science. Science studies is an interdisciplinary research. Science academic disciplines seek answers using a broad range of expertise fields.  Interdisciplinary research draws knowledge from several other fields like sociology, anthropology, psychology, and economics. It is about creating something by thinking across boundaries.  Science can have a direct effect on our social and economic lives. Who we are and where we came from establishes hope, forgiveness and a powerful self-awareness. These things give us peace and stability in trying times.

Creation based biology has the life answers we seek. The assumptions of a mutated characteristics that gives life to a species over several generations has major social implications. Creation suggests that we are created equal whereas space-dust-to-life conjecture segregate us into mutated categories or what is referred to as races.

The Creation Education Staff and Board of Directors invite you to visit our museum in Copley, Ohio. We give you the information and “You Decide”.

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear. 1 Peter 3:15

Creation Speaks

The Akron Fossils and Science Center’s Creation Education Museum hosts Creation Speakers through out the year. Learn about creation and why the science is not rejected but God is rejected. Many scientists are creationists but fear prevents them from pointing out the obvious.

Science is about learning and questioning. Opression is about seduction and control. If you want to learn more about the science that support creation or if you’d new to creation we’d like to invite you to our museum and the Creation Speaks Series. Contact us by clicking the link below.