Creation Culture

Thirty years ago, creation science studies where hard to find. Today with the internet publications are still important but digital technology has made it hard to suppress young earth ideas and discussions. The 21st Century has brought an explosion of schools, churches and institutions that emphasize that God created the world. The bible is our main peer reviewed publication that authenticates creation. Science perpetually aligns with God’s word. When you honestly study the evidence at hand creation is revealed in spectacular ways! Created ways that challenge our thinking, restores social equality and points to salvation. The study of God’s Word aligns with advances in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. Colossians 1:16


Fearfully and wonderfully made, you are! And, God has sent his son to reconcile his relationship with you. Equality, compassion, and love started with creation. When God created the world he said, “It is Good”. Yet there was a fall… A compulsive need to be our own god and to reduce dependance on the true and one God. Jesus was sent to be the final agreement between us and God. To accept Jesus as a perfect man, he was also God, and allowed himself to be hung on the cross to die… but he also rose again as it was seen by hundreds of witnesses. But, there is much more to reveal historical and observable evidence.


The Journey Begins!

There are Thousands of Creation Scientists, Schools, Geologists, Archeologists, Universities, Associations and other Peer Reviewed Sources for Creation Science and Biblical Studies.

Below are just some of the links to many organizations and creation scientists that support creation. At this point the journey starts with the next step. Is it important to understand what God says about you and the opportunity he’s given us? Do you like the idea of “No Races” that we are created Equal? Are you without hope? Many are trampled by the idea they are just elements with no direction or meaning. God gives you meaning and hope! Evolution really has no answers. Where do we come from? An evolutionist can’t tell you. Only that it must have randomly happened in a kaleidoscope of star dust. Evolutionism (Faith Based Religion) takes a lot of faith! Creationist’s have faith too. We have faith that God’s Word is true, real and is Perpetual.

Below are reference links for reference and use in your exploration of the truth behind the bible.

Creation Learning Adventures

Canoe Creation This setting not only makes for an intensive growth experience, but a backdrop like no other for Al to teach on creation geology, from what we see and learn from the rocks.  

Grand Canyon Creation Tours & Adventures • Canyon Ministries


Hametown Christian Academy

Core Academy of Science


Contact the Creation Education Museum if you would like to promote your creation supporting organization here. CONTACT US

It’s time to make that visit!

The “Creation Education Museum” is located in the “Akron Fossils and Science Center”. Located in rural beautiful Copley, Ohio just minutes from Akron and Cleveland. 

Directions: 2080 S Cleveland Massillon Rd, Akron, OH 44321
Call for LARGE group tours: (330) 665-3466